At our November meeting we will be collecting for the Laundry Love program via Messiah Lutheran Church and School. Here is their statement of purpose:

Laundry Love is a national program whose mission is Love. Dignity. Detergent. This is accomplished by washing the clothes and bedding of low/no-income families, children, and person(s). We started our chapter in Fairview Park in January 2017 as an outreach for Messiah Lutheran Church and School to serve our community and build relationships in a practical, meaningful way—because everyone deserves clean clothes. Currently, we are the only Laundry Love program in NE Ohio. Through local chapters like Messiah’s, Laundry Love fosters community participation within a neighborhood through the many layers of connection it inspires, brightening the lives of people each month. We benefit 500+ people annually by covering the cost of washing and drying on the last Thursday of the month at Leo’s. We regularly serve 50 to 60 individuals while also catering a free monthly Community Meal in the laundromat.

The program coordinator wanted to pass along this message to our members specifically: “Rest assured that your thoughtfulness makes a difference by bringing hope to the laundromat in a world that many of our neighbors find dark and cold. We are thankful to you for regularly and meaningfully contributing to the world.”

Items specifically requested are

  • gift cards (Target, Giant Eagle, gas)
  • RTA bus passes
  • warm hats, scarves, gloves, mittens (adult and children’s sizes)
  • holiday food items (boxes of mashed potatoes, Stove Top stuffing, canned vegetables)
  • as well as donations by check