Event Calendar
Members, consult your Black Book for addresses for meetings taking place in other members’ homes, or email the chair for information.
Please see our COVID-19 meeting policy.
New! Subscribe to our public calendar. This will allow you to add our club events directly to your personal calendar, and updates will be reflected automatically. Give it a try!
Thurs., Feb. 13 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Rosanne’s home
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Feb. 17 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Helping Hands collection for Laundry Love. They are looking for:
- Hygiene items/kits in ziplock bags: Poverty stinks, and our guests always appreciate personal hygiene items (sample size or full size) such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, bar soap, shampoo/conditioner.
- A special need is tampons: “Period Poverty” is a common phenomenon where women can’t afford monthly menstrual products.
- Paper products & cleaning supplies: Households cannot use SNAP benefits to buy nonfood items like soaps, paper products, and household supplies. Paper towels and toilet paper are especially appreciated.
- As always, cash or check is also welcome.
Sat., Feb. 22 • 6:30 pm

Wine Tasting & Silent Auction
Gemini Center
21225 Lorain Rd., Fairview Park
Join us for our biggest fundraiser of the year!
Appetizers and desserts will be served.
Wine tasting provided by
Crooked River Wine
Das Weinhaus
Melted Wings Winery
Vermilion Valley Vineyards
Catering by Amy’s Arbors
Tickets are $48 per person. 21+ only.
Deadline to purchase tickets is February 16.
For tickets, call Sally Lisowski 440-779-1417 (preferred) or reserve online at https://tinyurl.com/FPWCwine25.
Thurs., Mar. 13 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Pam’s home
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Mar. 17 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Helping Hands collection TBD.
Mon., Mar. 24 • 7 pm

Book Beat
Ellen’s home
We will be discussing Yellowface by R. F. Kuang (https://tinyurl.com/y76fmwcf).
Please RSVP to Lori or Ellen if you plan to attend.
Thurs., Apr. 17 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Lori’s home
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Apr. 21 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Helping Hands collection TBD.
Mon., Apr. 28 • 7:00 pm

Scholarship Committee Meeting
Lori’s home
If you’d like to join the Scholarship Committee, please contact Lori before April 15. Materials will be sent to committee members on or before April 17.
Thurs., May 1 • 6:30 pm

Board Meeting & Disbursements
Mary Jane’s home
This meeting is the highlight of the club year! Members are encouraged to attend and provide input on how we distribute the proceeds of our fundraising throughout the year.
Note that the May board meeting is earlier in the month than other board meetings to allow for Fairview High School’s scholarship reception schedule, and it is also an earlier start time than usual.
Mon., May 19 • 6 pm

General Membership Meeting & Installation Dinner
Location TBD
Look for more details in spring 2025. Note the earlier than usual start time.
No Helping Hands collection.
June TBD

Ways & Means and Budgeting Meeting
Location TBD
This summer board meeting determines the fundraising activities and budget for the upcoming club year.
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
July 25–27

Fairview Park Summerfest
Bohlken Park
Join the community for our summer celebration!
Members, watch your email for volunteer opportunities.
Thurs., Sept. 11 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Location TBD
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Sept. 15 • 6:30 pm

General Membership Meeting & Potluck
Bain Park Cabin
We kick off the club year with a potluck before the meeting starts — note the earlier than usual start time. Members, watch your email for details about the potluck.
Helping Hands collection TBD.
Thurs., Oct. 16 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Location TBD
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Oct. 20 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Helping Hands collection TBD.
Thurs., Nov. 13 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
Location TBD
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Nov. 17 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Our speaker will be Brigid E. McNeely, Adult Services Supervisor at the Fairview branch of Cuyahoga County Public Library. She will update us on happenings at the library and tell us all about the new Innovation Center.
Helping Hands collection for Hugs & Hope at the Moll Cancer Center. The organization hands out bags to patients as they are leaving the treatment center. Requested items include trial size items: hand sanitizer, lotion, baby powder, and Kleenex. Small lap blankets are welcome, as are gift cards for gas and groceries and bus passes. Cash and checks (made out to Hugs & Hope Foundation) are also welcome.
Tue., Dec. 2 • 6:30 pm

We Do Care Letter Contest Awards Ceremony
Fairview Park City Hall
Join us at City Hall to honor the winners of the We Do Care patriotic letter-writing contest. The community is invited to attend.
A reception will follow.
Sat., Dec. TBD • 11 am – 3 pm

Lunch with Santa
Bain Park Cabin
Join us for Lunch with Santa!
More information and reservation links will be available in late October or early November 2025.
Mon., Dec. 15 • 6:30 pm

Member Holiday Party
Location TBD
Members, watch your email for details.
Thurs., Jan. 15 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
location TBD
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Jan. 19 • 6:30 pm

General Membership Meeting - Soup & Chili Night
Bain Park Cabin
Our January meeting features a soup & chili potluck before the meeting starts — note the earlier than usual start time. Members, watch your email for details about the potluck.
No Helping Hands collection.
Thurs., Feb. 12 • 7 pm

Board Meeting
location TBD
General members are welcome to attend; please contact the current president or board member at large for meeting information.
Mon., Feb. 16 • 7:30 pm

General Membership Meeting
Bain Park Cabin
Helping Hands collection TBD.
COVID-19 Policy
Given the ongoing situation with COVID-19, events are subject to switching online or outright cancellation. We are following CDC guidelines regarding meeting and masking. Members, please check your email regularly for updates; information here may lag behind email updates.
Club members who are hosting events or meetings in their homes may require attendees to be fully vaccinated and/or to wear masks at the host’s sole discretion. Please honor their requests.